√ Identified & Served: 437 new youth field workers in 2009-2010 school year!


Out-of-School Fieldworker Youth Evening Academy

Feliz Dia de los Muertos

Welcome to PVUSD's Migrant Education Youth Advocacy Blog Site!

We offer guidance and support to a population of young people ages 16-21 who are often overlooked and underserved, yet may be working tirelessly in nearby fields supporting the agricultural labor force of our own community - our PVUSD migrant Out of School Youth. We serve those young people and families who work in agriculture, lead a migratory lifestyle and have not enrolled in school, have dropped out, or are at high risk of dropping out.

Our skilled bilingual/bicultural Youth Advocacy team offers a wide range of direct services to the OSY's through guidance and support, such as PASS assistance, Counseling and Health Referrals. We continue to case manage each OSY until they reach their academic and career training goals, or the age of 21. Currently we are case managing over 500 students in the PVUSD district area.

If you know PVUSD migrant students who are currently not enrolled in school, please refer them to us for assistance. We will verify that they qualify and enroll them into our OSY program. The OSY will be assured equitable access to programs in PVUSD that will lead them to attaining their GED or High School Diploma.

Do you qualify for Migrant Education Services?

Call National Migrant Education Hotline at: 1-800-234-8848 to speak with a local bilingual advocate.

Contact us at California Migrant Region 11 (Phone: 1-831-786-2150)

Coordinator - OSY:

OSY Youth Advocates:

Office Asstistant, OSY/PUPILs

Director - Migrant Education Region 11
Faris_Sabbah@pvusd.net Region 11

Thank you to our collaborative partners:

Watsonville Adult Education http://waas.pvusd.net/

PVUSD Watsonville, Pajaro Valley and Aptos High Schools http://www.pvusd.net/
PVUSD New School http://www.newschool.pvusd.net/
PVUSD A.V.C.I. School http://avci.pvusd.net/v2/
PVUSD Renaissance High School http://www.renaissance.pvusd.net/
PVUSD Pacific Coast Charter School http://www.pccs.pvusd.net/

SCCOE High Schools http://www.santacruz.k12.ca.us/alt_ed/index.html

PVUSD Teen Resource Centers
PVUSD Pregnant and Parenting Teen Network
PVUSD Alternative Program Team of High School Administrators
PVUSD Cal-Safe Program
PVUSD Student Services

Above the Line http://www.abovetheline.org/
Cabrillo College http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/eops/index.html
California Conservation Corps http://www.ccc.ca.gov/
Job Corps http://jobcorps.dol.gov/mission.htm
Pajaro Valley Prevention http://www.pvpsa.org/
Youth Services http://www.scccc.org/ys/
SCC Public Health http://www.santacruzhealth.org/phealth/2fieldnurse.htm
Region11 Migrant Education http://www.region11.net/
FCOE PASS http://www.capassprogram.org/mission/
David Bacon Photos and Stories, http://dbacon.igc.org/
Watsonville Police Department http://www.watsonvillepolice.com
California State Migrant Programs http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/me/mt/programs.asp